Mr. Patel is a person who came with an understanding of the ancient world. Mr. Patel is a kind and quiet gentleman. He offers the ancient teaching to a group of people each Tuesday night. He has performed this task for more than 40 years. There is no money exchange.
The students listen, and then ask questions and the answers flow through him and to us. It is a simple format of learning yet it provokes a war with each person. Doubts of not knowing, not understanding the ancient laws, and believing the workings of the universe. It is no easy task to prove and trust the truth within oneself and to follow through with it in life with clarity.
In 1995 – I joined this group of good people and in 2007, the image of Patel the teacher appeared. In only a few hours, I sketched out the inner aura and the energy forms that were held within Mr. Patel’s life at that time. “Patel” image appears in my first volume of “The Time Gates”. I always thank Mr. Petal for his kind and wonderful service and for helping to make our world better.